Eurotherm Power Controllers & Thyristors
Eurotherm ePack Controller
EPack is a compact fully featured power controller from Eurotherm, combining a high level of functionality and configurability with simplicity of setup and operation.
Eurotherm eFit Controller
Easy to integrate and commission, yet highly cost effective, the EFit power controller provides no compromise control for resistive and infrared heating elements. Ideal for all heating applications and fully compliant to international quality, immunity and emissions standards.
Eurotherm ePower Controller
Extruder zone temperatures
Electric furnaces
Injection moulding
Infrared heating
Heat treatment of metals
Glass & Ceramic heating
Semiconductor applications
Complex loads
Induction heating
Associated Industries:
Plastics & Polystyrene
Pulp & Paper
Breweries & Soft Drinks
Chemical & Pharmaceutical
Heating & Ventilation
Environmental Monitoring
Gas manufacturers
Water & Waste water sites